Due to the breed’s popularity, finding names for paint horses is quite simple. Paint horses are adaptable in terms of color, genetics, and physical temperament. Riders get the best riding experience from them.
The first step in introducing new horses to the stable is by naming them. Paint horses require original names because of their various hues and body types. So, here is a list of paint horse names categorized by gender and specific color combinations. Let’s see which of these will perfectly reflect your unique horse!
Paint Horse Names Females (Girls)
If you have a female paint horse and you are looking for the perfect name, here are the names we gathered that will be perfect for your new pet!
Darling Paint
Party Color
Poly Color
Miss Confetti
Lady Versicolor
Empress Prismatic Coat
Party Tint
Marked Princess
Winsom Color
Rink Martini
Ink Blot
Cherry Blue
Mrs. Domino
Paint Aire
Lady Airebrush
Paint Brushstroke
Pastel Mane
Irredescent Coat
Party Lust
Gold Radiance
Patent Pearls
Carbon Color
Technicolor Skin
Snow Raven
Prancing Colors
Lacey Tuxedo
Colour Palette
Color Hunter
Flaming Pastel
Piano Keys
Colored Polka Dot
Metallic Fix
Miss Gem Tone
Raven Sky
Mangolia Blush
Colour Beauty
Perfect Blend
Cloudy Splatter
Miss Paint Splash
Strong Color
Paint Horse Names Males (Boys)
Paint horses are unique, for no two are alike. So, here are the names of male paint horses you might like for your new horse.
Slow Pearl
Yos Mite
Colored Illusion
Kansa Prance
Paint Kares
Montie Blotch
Crazy Stroke
Low Danger
Acomi Paint
Junior Pinto
Colored Pitches
Skunk Stripes
Freckled Prince
Prismatic Shadow
Shady Aire
Light Spectrum
Show Spotter
Brutus Brush
Sir Cowboy
Cruize Shade
Paint Dozer
Mac Truck
Designer Jen
Custom Color
Lophy Gup
High Paint
Cocktail Rainbow
Indian Paint Horse Names
Native Americans are one of the people who love paint horses. So, if you want an Indian name for your paint horse, here are some options for you to choose from.
Taipa Brush
Hinto Dunes
Taima Colors
Chumani Mane
Dotty Tablita
Onatah Coat
Mai Beautiful Coat
Yoki Mane
Lord Hachi
Angeni Splats
Mika Burst
Florench Nidawi
Sir Tadita
Neche Splatter
Una Fleece
Namid Colors
Nashota Blotch
American Paint Horse Names
Here are great name ideas for American paint horse names you might like. Let’s choose the perfect name for your new equine friend.
Rapid Colors
Milky Way
Galaxy Challenger
All that Jazz
Atlantic Shades
Spotty Outlaw
Surprise Coat
Midnight Patches
Blotchy Houdini
Victory Paint
Slow Danger
Zodiac Colors
Painted Justice
Encore Strokes
Dotty Sputnik
Wildfire Blotch
Little Trickster
Talk of the Town
Yellow Yeller
Polka Avenger
Patterned Champ
Black and White Paint Horse Names
If you have a black and white paint horse, then you might be looking for a name that will match its color. So, here are our top black and white paint horse name picks that you’ll definitely love.
Domino Brush
Ink Spot
Two Tone Frappe
Storm Cloud
Tuxedo Man
Cookies n’Cream
Chex Monochrome
Dark Cappuccino
Oreo Cookie
Little Orca
Coco Fluff
Black Patches
Like Zebra
Tapir Coat
Smudge Coat
Dooty Cola
Dark Magic
Inkblot Racer
Dotty Prancer
Sir Dice
Panda Mane
Lord Snoopy
Milky Cookies
Famous Paint Horse Names
Here are some of the names of the most famous paint horses today. We gathered what we think perfectly suits your new equine family member.
Black Gunner
Joe Leo
Affirmed Spots
Ruffian Shade
Dottie Huaso
Kelso White Shadow
Spotty Secretariat
Dotty Best Mate
Kingston Blotches
Paint Horse Names for Mares
If you have a new mare, you’ll want to name her something beautiful. And if your mare is a paint horse, then these names are perfect for her!
Dottie Ebony
Bindi Strokes
Serena Rainbow
Black Pearl
Versailles Color
Kia Pride
April Hues
Lacey Sand
Songbird Color
Mildred Blotchers
Mahogany Spots
Spotty Isabelle
BeeBee Coat
Spotty Nestle
Anne Colors
Queen Polka
Spark Dots
Blondie Freckles
Colored Nuts
Universal Color
Mona Paint Splatter
Velvet Freckles
Marked Yanaba
Isi Dots
Nutmeg Spots
Miss Dahlia
Lotus Sparkle
Shirley Marks
Zelda Cosmos
Sable Star
Skadi Paint
Mahu Blots
Lady Scout
Sparkly Clementine
Juliet Fleece
Dolly Domino
Polka Dot Elegance
Petunia Marks
Celestial Dots
Cute Popcorn
Ashley Marks
Dreamy Dots
Polka Morticia
Aurora Sands
Usdi Mane
Gene Polka
Miss Wauna
Ice Princess
Mighty Miss
Misty Sparks
Star Spirit
Crystal Paint
Twinkie Brush
Amanda Freckles
Rosie Dream
Little Miss Hopi
Missy Steele
Diana Colored Dots
Twilight Sparks
Tawny Paint
Powder Easle
Crown Royal
Lina Shady
Colorful Calamity
Scarlett Spots
Small Sydney
Keres Rayne
Angel Spots
Sunny Cheyenne
Cher Fire Bloom
Tiara Colors
Valerie Brushstrokes
Amber Girl
Gracie Streaks
Dina Blobs
Two Tone Mischief
Miss Chance
Fudgsicle Spots
Aida Freckles
Lady Blotchy Carolina
Monroe Polka
Dottie Paprika
Frida Splash
Dewy Dark
Ivory Night
Lightning Dots
Rhoda Willis
Kwanita Splatter
Allegria Paint Splash
Jesse Gravel
Dotty Diva
Elina Blots
Colored Promise
Brown and White Paint Horse Names
Here are the best brown and white paint horse names you can use for your new paint horse. See if one of these paint horse names is the one for your new equine friend.
Clayton White
Tawny Pearl
White Cocoa
Java Snow
Carob Brown
Buffer Tan
Beaver Snow
White Chewbacca
Almond Roast
Peanut Butter
Crop Wonder
Maple Mane
Mocha Foam
Little Fudge
Sky Gizmo
Piccolo Blonde
Cinnamon Spots
Brown Sugar
Sahara Wild
Kiwy Dots
White Brandy
Snowy Nutella
Brown Paint Horse Names
Do you have a brown paint horse? If you have one that needs a new name, then here are the best brown paint horse names for your new equine friend.
Chocolate Blotch
Dusty Clay
Spotty Hershey
Brandy Splatter
Spotty Toast
Kit Kat Marks
Hawk Shades
Opie Splatter
Rusty Dust
Toffee Velvet
Raisin Spots
Truffled Mane
Autumn Blots
Brown Beauty
Dooty Ember
Sand Castle
Russel Sandstorm
Adobe Brownshade
Teak Dawn
Clay Flame
Apricot Buzz
Little Croissant
Blizzard Clay
Polka Peanut
Paint Horse Names for Geldings
If you have a gelding horse with a beautiful paint coat, here are some of our top paint horse names for geldings that you might like. Choose from one of these names below.
Yellow Mount
Splashed Lasan
Admiral Paint
Maro Strokes
Bronze Brush
Major Paintcloud
Sir Altivo
Grayson Paint
Ruffian Colors
Blotty Odie
Polka Czar
Abu Dauntless
Freckly Baxter
Gus Blotches
Dusky Cruiser
Dottie Cash
Sudoku Boy
Stetson Paints
Calypso Color
Patterned Olaf
Caesar Freckles
Chopin Chunks
Napoleon Creme
Arod Prance
Jaguar Coat
Chester Swirl
Agape Splash
Amigo Strydes
Boot Prints
Asher Streaks
Oakley Shadows
Angelo Mane
Mozart Freckles
Bard Strides
Shamu Blobs
Da Vinci
Alb Strides
Viho Fleece
Barron Prince
Coven Shades
Dado Brushstrokes
Barkley Paints
Little Joe
Rio Freckles
Bolt Fire
Mai Blotchs
Blanco Swirls
Yosemite Mane
Bandit Splatters
Trapper Swirls
Barnaby Willies
Fargo Storms
Takala James
Dale Paints
Spiraly Wyntog
Swrily Thompson
Cute Paint Horse Names
Do you have a lovely colored paint horse that needs a name? Here are the best and cutest paint horse names you can choose from.
Patterned Innocence
Doli Patternson
Swirly Peaches
Mimosa Polish
Cheerio Pattern
Pongo Reeds
Honey Mustard
Patterned Hooves
Colorful Coconut
Cutie Pumpkin
Swirly Marshmallow
Awee Brushstrokes
Flopsy Pants
Red and White Paint Horse Names
Red and white is a magnificent color combo, and if your paint horse has this pattern, then here are the best names for your paint horse that you can use.
Bloody Airebrush
Carbee Red
Cherry Snowswirl
Crayola Red
Cruella White
Swirly Darling
Moony Eclipse
Pastel Red
Pearl Blood
Poly Mare
Prisma Lane
Snow Swell
Techy Dots
Freckled Red
Gusty Winter
Scarlet Snow
Karl Blots
Red Oreo
Snowy Picasso
Zoni Speckle
Palomino Paint Horse Names
Palomino paint horses have the most beautiful colored coats, like snow and sand in one. So, if you have a new Palomino paint horse that’s waiting to be named, here are our best picks for you!
White Orianna (“sunrise” in Latin)
Pale Croissant
Summer Breeze
Cheesecake Fluff
Soleil (French for “sun”)
Soft Amber
Biscotti Splatter
Sandman Mark
Fool’s Gold
Sunny Snow
White Gold
Aztec Gold
Irish Mist
Champagne Freckles
Atomic Blonde
Golden Ticket
Blanca Dots
Bambi Patches
Tesoro Mane
Lemon Drop
Applesauce Coat
Ginger Swirls
Golden Nugget
Copper Blotch
Sandy mane
Lady Suede
Honey Suckle
Corn Pop Racer
Light Margarita
Bailey Paint Splash
Penny Patterns
Sun Glider
Custard Creme
Grey Paint Horse Names
If you have a grey paint horse, then naming it can be a little challenging yet exciting. Here are the best grey paint horse names we’ve gathered for you!
Blizzard Dust
Blue Steele
Bly Storm
Cirrus Swirls
Cloud Walker
Jag the Thunder
Jane Dots
Jango Stead
Major Thundersotrm
Stormy Maximus
Mediavine Dark Spots
Moonshine Duster
Moonwater Paint
Opi Paint Splatter
Ordo Dots
Quicksilver Sliver
Rain Marks
Rain Maker
Rembrandt Dots
River Freckles
Ruger Grey
Chestnut Paint Horse Names
Here are the best chestnut paing horse names you can choose from. We guarantee you’ll find the perfect name from our list below.
Fiamette Shades
Conker Red
Sunny Blotch
Blotchy Jasper
Gloriana Patterns
Ember Sparks
Brigit Dotty Mane
Reba Red
Spice Gems
Pele Splats
Crimson Marks
Niran Shades
Cashew Swirls
Nutty Freckles
Coral Crasher
Red Sunrise
Autumn Pattern
Zenzero (ginger in Italian)
Flare Dots
Flying Orange
Spirally Goji
Ruby Sparks
Did you find these names for paint horses interesting? Whether you have white, brown, red, or black paint horses, we guarantee you’ll find the perfect name from one of the names we provided above. When you find one, then the hardest part is over and you’re ready to have some fun with your new pet!