250 Portuguese Horse Names (With Meanings)

If you’re in search of a name for your Portuguese horse, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve compiled a list of 250 unique Portuguese horse names that are rich in meaning and perfectly capture the gentle nature and trustworthiness of these majestic creatures.

Each name on this list is carefully selected to represent the qualities that make Portuguese horses so special. So, whether you’re looking for a name that reflects your horse’s gentle nature or their unwavering loyalty, you’re sure to find the perfect name on this list.

Portuguese Horse Names

Portuguese Horse Popular Names

  1. Zephyr – This name means “west wind” and is perfect for a fast and agile horse.
  2. Bandido – This name means “bandit” and is perfect for a spirited and mischievous horse.
  3. Cacique – This name means “chief” and is perfect for a strong and powerful horse.
  4. Capitão – This name means “captain” and is perfect for a noble and commanding horse.
  5. Conquistador – This name means “conqueror” and is perfect for a brave and determined horse.
  6. Diamante – This name means “diamond” and is perfect for a horse with a shining personality.
  7. Estrela – This name means “star” and is perfect for a horse that shines bright like a star.
  8. Falcão – This name means “falcon” and is perfect for a horse with sharp eyes and quick reflexes.
  9. Gavião – This name means “hawk” and is perfect for a horse with a keen sense of sight.
  10. Guerreiro – This name means “warrior” and is perfect for a horse that is strong and fearless.
  11. Jasmim – This name means “jasmine” and is perfect for a horse with a sweet and gentle personality.
  12. Lobo – This name means “wolf” and is perfect for a horse that is strong and fierce.
  13. Maravilha – This name means “marvel” and is perfect for a horse that is wonderful and amazing.
  14. Nuvem – This name means “cloud” and is perfect for a horse that is light and airy.
  15. Oceano – This name means “ocean” and is perfect for a horse that is vast and deep.
  16. Poderoso – This name means “powerful” and is perfect for a horse that is strong and mighty.
  17. Querido – This name means “beloved” and is perfect for a horse that is loved and cherished.
  18. Raio – This name means “ray” and is perfect for a horse that is fast and powerful.
  19. Sabre – This name means “saber” and is perfect for a horse that is sharp and precise.
  20. Tigre – This name means “tiger” and is perfect for a horse that is fierce.
  21. Único – This name means “unique” and is perfect for a horse that stands out from the rest.
  22. Vencedor – This name means “victorious” and is perfect for a horse that always wins.
  23. Xerife – This name means “sheriff” and is perfect for a horse that is in charge and keeps order.
  24. Yara – This name means “water lady” and is perfect for a horse that loves to swim.
  25. Zorro – This name means “fox” and is perfect for a horse that is cunning and sly.
  26. Amoroso – This name means “loving” and is perfect for a horse that is affectionate and gentle.
  27. Brilho – This name means “shine” and is perfect for a horse that glows with beauty.
  28. Caramelo – This name means “caramel” and is perfect for a horse with a sweet and gentle disposition.
  29. Dourado – This name means “golden” and is perfect for a horse with a shining personality.
  30. Elegante – This name means “elegant” and is perfect for a horse that is graceful and refined.
  31. Fogo – This name means “fire” and is perfect for a horse that is passionate and energetic.
  32. Galante – This name means “gallant” and is perfect for a horse that is brave and chivalrous.
  33. Honesto – This name means “honest” and is perfect for a horse that is trustworthy and reliable.
  34. Inesquecível – This name means “unforgettable” and is perfect for a horse that leaves a lasting impression.
  35. Jovial – This name means “youthful” and is perfect for a horse that is full of life and energy.
  36. Kripton – This name means “krypton” and is perfect for a horse that is strong and indestructible.
  37. Leal – This name means “loyal” and is perfect for a horse that is faithful and devoted.
  38. Magnífico – This name means “magnificent” and is perfect for a horse that is grand and impressive.
  39. Nobre – This name means “noble” and is perfect for a horse that is regal and dignified.
  40. Ouro – This name means “gold” and is perfect for a horse with a radiant personality.
  41. Pampa – This name means “plain” and is perfect for a horse that loves to run free.
  42. Querubim – This name means “cherub” and is perfect for a horse with a sweet and innocent personality.
  43. Relâmpago – This name means “lightning” and is perfect for a horse that is fast and powerful.
  44. Sultão – This name means “sultan” and is perfect for a horse that is majestic and powerful.
  45. Tornado – This name means “tornado” and is perfect for a horse that is fast and unpredictable.
  46. Úrsula – This name means “bear” and is perfect for a horse that is strong and fierce.
  47. Vento – This name means “wind” and is perfect for a horse that is fast and free-spirited.
  48. Xodó – This name means “darling” and is perfect for a horse that is beloved and cherished.
  49. Yago – This name means “he who supplants” and is perfect for a horse that is strong and determined.
  50. Zangão – This name means “drone” and is perfect for a horse that is hardworking and diligent.

Portuguese Horse Funny Names

  1. Alface – This name means “lettuce” and is perfect for a horse that loves to eat greens.
  2. Biscoito – This name means “cookie” and is perfect for a horse that loves to snack.
  3. Cebola – This name means “onion” and is perfect for a horse that makes you cry with laughter.
  4. Doidão – This name means “crazy” and is perfect for a horse that is full of energy and wildness.
  5. Esperto – This name means “smart” and is perfect for a horse that is always one step ahead.
  6. Farofa – This name means “stuffing” and is perfect for a horse that loves to eat.
  7. Gordinho – This name means “chubby” and is perfect for a horse that loves to eat and relax.
  8. Hipocondríaco – This name means “hypochondriac” and is perfect for a horse that is always worried about its health.
  9. Incógnito – This name means “incognito” and is perfect for a horse that likes to hide from the spotlight.
  10. Jeca – This name means “hick” and is perfect for a horse that is simple and down-to-earth.
  11. Ketchup – This name means “ketchup” and is perfect for a horse that loves to add flavor to everything.
  12. Laranjinha – This name means “little orange” and is perfect for a horse with a bright and colorful personality.
  13. Maluco – This name means “crazy” and is perfect for a horse that is full of surprises.
  14. Narizinho – This name means “little nose” and is perfect for a horse with a cute and snouty nose.
  15. Ousado – This name means “bold” and is perfect for a horse that takes risks and loves adventure.
  16. Pipoqueiro – This name means “popcorn seller” and is perfect for a horse that loves to pop and jump around.
  17. Quindim – This name means “coconut sweet” and is perfect for a horse that is sweet and delicious.
  18. Risonho – This name means “smiling” and is perfect for a horse with a happy and joyful personality.
  19. Sapeca – This name means “mischievous” and is perfect for a horse that loves to play pranks.
  20. Teimoso – This name means “stubborn” and is perfect for a horse that is determined and won’t give up easily.
  21. Uva – This name means “grape” and is perfect for a horse with a sweet and juicy personality.
  22. Vigarista – This name means “con artist” and is perfect for a horse that knows how to get what it wants.
  23. Xereta – This name means “nosy” and is perfect for a horse that likes to snoop around and investigate.
  24. Youtuber – This name means “youtuber” and is perfect for a horse that loves to show off and be in the spotlight.
  25. Zumbi – This name means “zombie” and is perfect for a horse that moves slowly and has a spooky personality.
  26. Abobalhado – This name means “dazed” and is perfect for a horse that is easily confused.
  27. Banana – This name means “banana” and is perfect for a horse that is silly and fun-loving.
  28. Chiquitita – This name means “little girl” and is perfect for a horse with a cute and girly personality.
  29. Dengoso – This name means “whiny” and is perfect for a horse that likes to complain.
  30. Estabanado – This name means “clumsy” and is perfect for a horse that is always tripping and stumbling.
  31. Fofinho – This name means “fluffy” and is perfect for a horse with a soft and cuddly personality.
  32. Gigante – This name means “giant” and is perfect for a horse that is big and clumsy.
  33. Habilidoso – This name means “skillful” and is perfect for a horse that is good with its hooves.
  34. Irrequieto – This name means “restless” and is perfect for a horse that is always on the move.
  35. Jujuba – This name means “gumdrop” and is perfect for a horse that is sweet and colorful.
  36. Kung Fu – This name means “kung fu” and is perfect for a horse that is quick and agile.
  37. Louco – This name means “crazy” and is perfect for a horse that is unpredictable and wild.
  38. Marmota – This name means “groundhog” and is perfect for a horse that likes to hibernate.
  39. Narigudo – This name means “big-nosed” and is perfect for a horse with a large and prominent nose.
  40. Ovelha – This name means “sheep” and is perfect for a horse that is gentle and docile.
  41. Palhaço – This name means “clown” and is perfect for a horse that likes to make people laugh.
  42. Quebra-cabeça – This name means “puzzle” and is perfect for a horse that is hard to figure out.
  43. Ranzinza – This name means “grumpy” and is perfect for a horse that is always in a bad mood.
  44. Sabichão – This name means “know-it-all” and is perfect for a horse that thinks it knows everything.
  45. Tonto – This name means “silly” and is perfect for a horse that is always doing silly things.
  46. Urso – This name means “bear” and is perfect for a horse that is big and cuddly.
  47. Vigaroso – This name means “sneaky” and is perfect for a horse that likes to be sneaky.
  48. Xique-xique – This name means “prickly pear” and is perfect for a horse that is tough and resilient.
  49. Yoda – This name is inspired by the Star Wars character and is perfect for a wise and knowledgeable horse.
  50. Zé Povinho – This name means “Joe Public” and is perfect for a horse that is down-to-earth and relatable.

Portuguese Horse Powerful Names

  1. Aço – This name means “steel” and is perfect for a horse that is strong and unbreakable.
  2. Bravura – This name means “bravery” and is perfect for a horse that is fearless and courageous.
  3. Conde – This name means “count” and is perfect for a horse with a noble and regal personality.
  4. Destemido – This name means “fearless” and is perfect for a horse that is brave and daring.
  5. Esplendor – This name means “splendor” and is perfect for a horse with a magnificent and impressive personality.
  6. Fúria – This name means “fury” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and intense.
  7. Gladiador – This name means “gladiator” and is perfect for a horse that is strong and fierce.
  8. Herói – This name means “hero” and is perfect for a horse that is brave and saves the day.
  9. Ímpeto – This name means “impulse” and is perfect for a horse that is quick and decisive.
  10. Júpiter – This name is inspired by the Roman god of thunder and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and majestic.
  11. Khan – This name means “king” and is perfect for a horse that is dominant and regal.
  12. Leão – This name means “lion” and is perfect for a horse that is strong and fierce.
  13. Magnífico – This name means “magnificent” and is perfect for a horse that is grand and impressive.
  14. Nórdico – This name means “Nordic” and is perfect for a horse that is strong and resilient.
  15. Odisseu – This name is inspired by the Greek hero Odysseus and is perfect for a horse that is brave and cunning.
  16. Poder – This name means “power” and is perfect for a horse that is strong and mighty.
  17. Quasar – This name is inspired by the astronomical phenomenon and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and energetic.
  18. Rei – This name means “king” and is perfect for a horse that is dominant and regal.
  19. Sombra – This name means “shadow” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and elusive.
  20. Titã – This name means “titan” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and colossal.
  21. Único – This name means “unique” and is perfect for a horse that is one-of-a-kind and powerful.
  22. Valente – This name means “valiant” and is perfect for a horse that is brave and strong.
  23. Xamã – This name means “shaman” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and mystical.
  24. Yakuza – This name is inspired by the Japanese mafia and is perfect for a horse that is strong and dominant.
  25. Zeus – This name is inspired by the Greek god of thunder and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and majestic.
  26. Atena – This name is inspired by the Greek goddess of wisdom and is perfect for a horse that is intelligent and powerful.
  27. Batalhão – This name means “battalion” and is perfect for a horse that is strong and powerful.
  28. Céu – This name means “sky” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and majestic like the sky.
  29. Dragão – This name means “dragon” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and fierce.
  30. Estrela – This name means “star” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and shines bright.
  31. Falcão – This name means “falcon” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and fast.
  32. Gavião – This name means “hawk” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and agile.
  33. Hércules – This name is inspired by the Greek hero and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and strong.
  34. Ícaro – This name is inspired by the Greek myth and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and daring.
  35. Javali – This name means “boar” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and fierce.
  36. Krypton – This name means “krypton” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and indestructible.
  37. Leopardo – This name means “leopard” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and agile.
  38. Martelo – This name means “hammer” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and strikes hard.
  39. Névoa – This name means “mist” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and mysterious.
  40. Oráculo – This name means “oracle” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and wise.
  41. Pégaso – This name is inspired by the Greek myth and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and graceful.
  42. Quimera – This name is inspired by the Greek myth and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and mythical.
  43. Raio – This name means “ray” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and fast like lightning.
  44. Samurái – This name is inspired by the Japanese warrior and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and disciplined.
  45. Trovão – This name means “thunder” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and loud like thunder.
  46. Último – This name means “last” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and the ultimate champion.
  47. Vencedor – This name means “winner” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and always wins.
  48. Xerife – This name means “sheriff” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and in charge.
  49. Yate – This name means “yacht” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and luxurious.
  50. Zorro – This name means “fox” and is perfect for a horse that is powerful and cunning like a fox.

Portuguese Horse Names That Represent Their Gentle Nature

  1. Amoroso – This name means “loving” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and affectionate nature.
  2. Bondoso – This name means “kind-hearted” and is perfect for a horse that is gentle and compassionate.
  3. Cândido – This name means “innocent” and is perfect for a horse that has a pure and gentle nature.
  4. Doce – This name means “sweet” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and loving personality.
  5. Encantador – This name means “charming” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and enchanting nature.
  6. Fiel – This name means “faithful” and is perfect for a horse that is loyal and gentle.
  7. Gentil – This name means “gentle” and is perfect for a horse that has a kind and mild-mannered nature.
  8. Harmonia – This name means “harmony” and is perfect for a horse that has a peaceful and gentle demeanor.
  9. Inocente – This name means “innocent” and is perfect for a horse that has a pure and gentle heart.
  10. Jasmim – This name means “jasmine” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and soothing presence.
  11. Kairós – This name means “opportune moment” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and patient nature.
  12. Leve – This name means “light” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and airy personality.
  13. Meigo – This name means “tender” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and affectionate nature.
  14. Nobre – This name means “noble” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and dignified presence.
  15. Oceano – This name means “ocean” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and calming nature.
  16. Paz – This name means “peace” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and tranquil personality.
  17. Querido – This name means “beloved” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and cherished nature.
  18. Romântico – This name means “romantic” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and sentimental nature.
  19. Sereno – This name means “serene” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and peaceful personality.
  20. Ternura – This name means “tenderness” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and affectionate demeanor.
  21. Unicórnio – This name means “unicorn” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and magical presence.
  22. Vida – This name means “life” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and lively nature.
  23. Xodó – This name means “darling” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and cherished personality.
  24. Yara – This name means “water lady” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and fluid presence.
  25. Zen – This name means “zen” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and peaceful demeanor.
  26. Amado – This name means “loved” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and adored nature.
  27. Benigno – This name means “benign” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and kind-hearted personality.
  28. Carinhoso – This name means “affectionate” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and loving nature.
  29. Delicado – This name means “delicate” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and fragile presence.
  30. Elegante – This name means “elegant” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and refined personality.
  31. Feliz – This name means “happy” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and joyful nature.
  32. Gracioso – This name means “graceful” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and elegant presence.
  33. Harmonioso – This name means “harmonious” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and balanced personality.
  34. Inocência – This name means “innocence” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and pure nature.
  35. Jovial – This name means “youthful” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and lively demeanor.
  36. Leal – This name means “loyal” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and faithful personality.
  37. Manso – This name means “tame” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and docile nature.
  38. Néctar – This name means “nectar” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and sweet presence.
  39. Ouro – This name means “gold” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and precious nature.
  40. Puro – This name means “pure” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and innocent personality.
  41. Querubim – This name means “cherub” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and angelic presence.
  42. Risonho – This name means “smiling” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and cheerful nature.
  43. Sensível – This name means “sensitive” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and empathetic personality.
  44. Tranquilo – This name means “calm” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and serene presence.
  45. Único – This name means “unique” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and one-of-a-kind nature.
  46. Valioso – This name means “valuable” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and treasured personality.
  47. Xodózinho – This name means “little darling” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and adorable nature.
  48. Yago – This name means “he who supplants” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and determined presence.
  49. Zenith – This name means “highest point” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and elevated personality.
  50. Amistoso – This name means “friendly” and is perfect for a horse that has a gentle and sociable nature.

Portuguese Horse Names That Represent Their Trustworthiness

  1. Amigo – This name means “friend” and is perfect for a horse that is loyal and trustworthy.
  2. Bravo – This name means “brave” and is perfect for a horse that is strong and dependable.
  3. Confiança – This name means “confidence” and is perfect for a horse that is reliable and trustworthy.
  4. Digno – This name means “worthy” and is perfect for a horse that is honorable and trustworthy.
  5. Estável – This name means “stable” and is perfect for a horse that is steady and trustworthy.
  6. Fidelidade – This name means “loyalty” and is perfect for a horse that is faithful and trustworthy.
  7. Garantia – This name means “guarantee” and is perfect for a horse that is dependable and trustworthy.
  8. Honesto – This name means “honest” and is perfect for a horse that is truthful and trustworthy.
  9. Íntegro – This name means “integrity” and is perfect for a horse that is honest and trustworthy.
  10. Justo – This name means “fair” and is perfect for a horse that is just and trustworthy.
  11. Lealmente – This name means “loyally” and is perfect for a horse that is faithful and trustworthy.
  12. Merecedor – This name means “deserving” and is perfect for a horse that is worthy and trustworthy.
  13. Nobreza – This name means “nobility” and is perfect for a horse that is honorable and trustworthy.
  14. Obediente – This name means “obedient” and is perfect for a horse that is compliant and trustworthy.
  15. Ponderado – This name means “thoughtful” and is perfect for a horse that is considerate and trustworthy.
  16. Qualidade – This name means “quality” and is perfect for a horse that is high-quality and trustworthy.
  17. Respeito – This name means “respect” and is perfect for a horse that is respected and trustworthy.
  18. Sincero – This name means “sincere” and is perfect for a horse that is genuine and trustworthy.
  19. Tolerante – This name means “tolerant” and is perfect for a horse that is patient and trustworthy.
  20. Verdadeiro – This name means “true” and is perfect for a horse that is genuine and trustworthy.
  21. Zeloso – This name means “zealous” and is perfect for a horse that is dedicated and trustworthy.
  22. Acreditável – This name means “believable” and is perfect for a horse that is reliable and trustworthy.
  23. Benevolente – This name means “benevolent” and is perfect for a horse that is kind-hearted and trustworthy.
  24. Confiável – This name means “reliable” and is perfect for a horse that is dependable and trustworthy.
  25. Dedicado – This name means “dedicated” and is perfect for a horse that is committed and trustworthy.
  26. Empenhado – This name means “committed” and is perfect for a horse that is devoted and trustworthy.
  27. Fidedigno – This name means “trustworthy” and is perfect for a horse that is faithful and reliable.
  28. Generoso – This name means “generous” and is perfect for a horse that is giving and trustworthy.
  29. Honrado – This name means “honorable” and is perfect for a horse that is respected and trustworthy.
  30. Íntimo – This name means “intimate” and is perfect for a horse that is close and trustworthy.
  31. Justiça – This name means “justice” and is perfect for a horse that is fair and trustworthy.
  32. Lealidade – This name means “loyalty” and is perfect for a horse that is faithful and trustworthy.
  33. Maturidade – This name means “maturity” and is perfect for a horse that is responsible and trustworthy.
  34. Nobre – This name means “noble” and is perfect for a horse that is dignified and trustworthy.
  35. Otimismo – This name means “optimism” and is perfect for a horse that is positive and trustworthy.
  36. Perseverante – This name means “perseverant” and is perfect for a horse that is persistent and trustworthy.
  37. Qualificado – This name means “qualified” and is perfect for a horse that is skilled and trustworthy.
  38. Responsável – This name means “responsible” and is perfect for a horse that is dependable and trustworthy.
  39. Sábio – This name means “wise” and is perfect for a horse that is intelligent and trustworthy.
  40. Tolerância – This name means “tolerance” and is perfect for a horse that is patient and accepting.
  41. Unidade – This name means “unity” and is perfect for a horse that is cooperative and trustworthy.
  42. Valente – This name means “valiant” and is perfect for a horse that is courageous and trustworthy.
  43. Xodó – This name means “darling” and is perfect for a horse that is beloved and trustworthy.
  44. Zelo – This name means “care” and is perfect for a horse that is attentive and trustworthy.
  45. Amável – This name means “lovable” and is perfect for a horse that is affectionate and trustworthy.
  46. Bondade – This name means “kindness” and is perfect for a horse that is gentle and trustworthy.
  47. Companheiro – This name means “companion” and is perfect for a horse that is loyal and trustworthy.
  48. Decente – This name means “decent” and is perfect for a horse that is respectable and trustworthy.
  49. Empático – This name means “empathetic” and is perfect for a horse that is understanding and trustworthy.
  50. Fielmente – This name means “faithfully” and is perfect for a horse that is devoted and trustworthy.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, choosing the perfect name for your Portuguese horse can be a daunting task, but with this list of 250 unique names, you’re sure to find the perfect fit. From names that represent their gentle nature to names that embody their unwavering loyalty, each name on this list is rich in meaning and perfectly captures the essence of these majestic creatures. So, take your time, explore the list, and find the perfect name that will honor your horse and reflect their unique qualities. We hope this list has been helpful and wish you all the best as you embark on this exciting journey with your Portuguese horse.